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How to to live forever.
How to to live forever.
"Forever is longer than 120 years (the maximum lifespan of a person)"
Goal : to help a person to live eternally.
A person is composed of a body and a soul.
After life a person's soul leaves their body.
If a person was good they will inherit a place in heaven.
Some will live forever.
The question is - what are the criteria that Heaven uses to judge a person?
It is logical to say it is a law. It is probable any person could have had access to the law. It is logical to say the law must make sense to believe in it. It makes sense to say the law must have been given in front of millions of witnesses.
The law that fits all those criteria is - The Torah given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai almost 3,300 years ago.
A Jew's observance of the 613 commandments - as explained in the Shulchan Aruch [Code of Jewish Law by Rav Yosef Caro] - will gain them a good place in the next world.
Gentiles will be Judged based upon their observance of the Seven Noahide laws.
Here are the Beliefs that Hash-m (G-d) expects us to believe to live eternally.
Maimonides – the Rambam – who was a great Rabbi and a Doctor compiled 13 foundations from the Torah that a Jew is required to believe. If a Jew believes them – and acts in a decent manner – he will receive a portion in the world to come and will be resurrected after the resurrection of the dead. The thirteen principles of faith the Rambam that Torah requires a Jew to believe to receive a portion in the world to come are
One – To believe in the existence of Hashem (G-d). This means to believe in the existence of the Creator, blessed be He, and this is that there is a complete existence in all aspects of existence. He is the pinnacle of all of existence. From Him is the establishment of their existence and from Him is their establishment. And if one could imagine that He did not exist, then nothing else could exist. But even if all other things ceased to exist, He would still remain in existence. In other words everything is dependent upon his existence. But He is not dependent on any other existence.
Jews are to believe with perfect faith in the thirteen principles of the Holy Torah.
1) That the Holy One, Blessed Be He exists and supervises
2) and that He is One
3) and that He has no body and no likeness of a body
4) and he was before anything from before
5) and that there is no worship except to Him
6) and he knows the thoughts of people
7) and the prophesy of Moses our teacher is true
8) and that he is the master of all prophets
9) and that the Torah was given from Heaven
10) and that it [the Torah] will not change at any time, Heaven forbid
11) and that the Holy One Blessed be He punishes the wicked and pays great reward to the righteous
12) and that the king Messiah will come
13) and that the dead will be resurrected in the future.