Torah is optimistic.
The reason - because G-d is overflowing with kindness all day. He does only good, even though we do not always see it.
If we counted our blessings and appreciated them, we would feel so indebted to G-d that we would serve Him by following the 7 Noahide Laws or 613 commandments for Jews all day.
But we tend to overlook, forget, ignore and lull-over all the goodness that we receive continuously on a daily basis.
One reason why we are commanded to honor our parents is due to the great self-less kindness they did for us for years - without expectation of compensation.
A cute story I read by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (I don't think it is true) is once a young boy left a note on the kitchen table before leaving to school. It said:
Mowing the lawn $5.00
Making My Bed $1.00
Playing with my Little Brother - .75
Taking out trash - 1.00
Good Report Card $5.00
Raking the Leaves $2.00
Total: $14.75
The mother was aghast at the note. She decided to write her own note on the other side of his to her son and leave it on his bed. It read:
Carrying you inside me 9 months: No Charge
Staying up with you on many nights: No Charge
Praying for You : No Charge
The time and tears you caused me through the years: No Charge
The nights filled with dread and worries ahead: No Charge.
Sum total of all the love I showed you: No charge
When her son came home and read the note, his eyes welled up with tears. He turned over the note and wrote - "Paid in full" on his own note.*
People complain about their trials or others trials. Some think they are doing Hash-m a favor by coming to pray at the synagogue or doing a mitzvah. Some snub their nose at the prospect of Judaism in their lives - they say not interested.
To them Hash-m can answer: Giving you life : No Charge, Giving You Children: No Charge, Giving You health: No Charge. Giving You eyes: No Charge.
Instead of asking what G-d has done for me lately? one should appreciate the tremendous kindness G-d provides at every waking moment.
*From Living Emunah - Acheiving serenity through Faith, By R. David Ashear, Artscroll, Chapter 59 - Who Owes Whom? - p. 142
* to order a laminated copy of the above card with the "Thank You Hashem" Prayer - please email us with your coordinates.